Procedure for new electricity connection, change of name, and increase and decrease in load
Obtain the application (should be in Urdu or English) from your distribution company’s website or physically from a related office without any cost.
Attach the following documents along with the application and submit it to the concerned office
- Take three copies of the application form
- Copy of relevant tariff signed by customer and witnesses (signature of witnesses not required in case of domestic and commercial single phase connection)
- Proof of ownership in case of housing colony all pages should be attested by oath commissioner or notary public or grade one officer
- Affidative that the (حلف نامہ) that the applicant has a previous connection at the desired place and will not pay any arrears (بقایا جات) if any arrears are subsequently discovered.
- In case of multiple property owners, obtain permission from the owners for the applicant.
- If the applicant is a tenant (کرایہ دار), permission from the landlord (مالک مکان) must be obtained.
- The applicant’s national identity card should be attested by photocopy.
- Attested photocopies of the National Identity Card of two witnesses (are not required for signal phase applicant).
Catagory 1 (15 KiloWattHour)
- The concerned office will issue to the applicant the receipt of the completed application form and related documents and the seniority number for this purpose. The concerned office will create a seniority register as per the date of receipt of the applicant to which the applicant will be given access. It will take one day.
- The concerned office shall inspect the applicant’s place where an electricity connection is required and assess whether it is possible to provide a connection at the concerned place. will be notified. It will take three days.
- If it is not possible to provide a connection at the required location, the cost will be estimated. It will take two days.
- After the connection installation estimate is approved, it will be hand-delivered or sent to the customer by post. It will take two days.
- The applicant shall deposit the estimated expenses in the concerned bank and submit the receipt to the concerned office in two days.
- The applicant shall provide the wiring test report which shall be verified by the concerned office. It will take three days.
- The concerned office will prepare a priority list of applicants as per the date of receipt of dues. It will take one day.
- The concerned office will issue a service connection order. It will take three days.
- The concerned office will contact the store to supply the equipment required to install the connection. It will take three days
- The concerned store will issue the equipment required for the connection. It will take five days.
- The concerned SDO/Assistant manager operations office of equipment availability will install the connection. It will take five days.
The whole process will take Thirty (30) days
Online application of new connection
Now GEPCO has made a fully automated system to apply for new electricity connection that makes it easier for all customers to apply for new electricity connection. The thing is that you can apply your new electricity connection application by sitting at home with your mobile. this method saves time and also it is very easy to proceed.

Steps to apply online application for a new electricity connection:
- Search in Google “New Electricity Connection Application Form Online”.
- If you are not able to proceed with the above step click this link, this will redirect you to the site.
- Click on the apply button and fill in your all required information.
- Select your category the a new screen will open on your device.
- Select the connection type, fill in your all information, and attach the required documents.
- Apply your all document copies in JPEG format.
- Finally, check in the “I agree” box and click on the “Submit” button.
Consumers that can consume electricity from GEPCO, submit applications online as well as manually by visiting the concerned office. For more information visit this page New electricity connection from GEPCO.