GEPCO Online Bill Check

Imagine the convenience of receiving your GEPCO duplicate bill right at home! With our site, you can quickly check and print your GEPCO bill online anytime, anywhere, without any cost. Just click the button below to view your complete bill details and download a copy for your records. Accessing your GEPCO online bill has been easier.

Search Your Electricity Bill

Simply enter your reference number after clicking the button above to check your GEPCO online bill instantly. Our site is fast and user-friendly, allowing you to easily view, print, or download a GEPCO duplicate bill. GEPCO online bill check is quick, convenient, and hassle-free!

To check the GEPCO online bill, you should know your reference number. If you don’t know, take your previous bill and find the 14-digit reference number. It is mostly in the top left corner below the customer ID.

Submit your reference number

After finding the reference number present on the GEPCO duplicate bill online, press the button “Click here to check your bill” above. Then put your 14-digit reference number in our tool. Write your reference number carefully without any spaces or commas.

View your bill

After submitting the reference number click on the “check bill” and view your bill. If the reference number is correct the bill will appear fastly and easily. You can also view the units you consume, reading date, bill amount, and due date.

Download or print your bill

As a reminder, you can download your GEPCO electricity bill in all formats, or you can also easily print this bill from our site. See how easy this was to check bills online. In this way, the bill is reached at your doorstep exactly as I have mentioned above.

The full form of GEPCO is “Gujranwala Electric Power Company.” This electric distribution company supplies electricity to the Gujranwala region in Punjab, Pakistan. GEPCO was incorporated on 25th April 1998 and obtained a certificate for commencement of business on 5th June 1998. Management and Administration is entrusted to a Board of Directors (BOD). Earlier in the 1960s, the Govt.

GEPCO is responsible for providing electricity to five industrial and business hubs of Punjab. GEPCO aims to provide unstoppable electricity and excellent customer care service. The following are five main areas under Gujranwala Electric Power Company:

District/CityKey Areas/Subdivisions
GujranwalaGujranwala City, Wazirabad, Kamoke, Nowshera Virkan
SialkotSialkot City, Daska, Pasrur, Sambrial
GujratGujrat City, Kunjah, Sara-e-Alamgir, Jalalpur Jattan, Lalamusa
Mandi BahauddinMandi Bahauddin City, Phalia, Malikwal
NarowalNarowal City, Shakargarh, Zafarwal
HafizabadHafizabad City, Pindi Bhattian, Sukheke Mandi

Peak hours are the specific times when electricity consumption is at a high rate. During these hours, people use electrical appliances and kitchen appliances simultaneously, which is why the cost of electricity increases.

Here’s a table showing the typical peak hours for GEPCO, which may help consumers manage electricity usage more efficiently. Peak hours are generally the times when electricity demand is highest.

SeasonPeak Hours
Summer (April – October)6:30 PM – 10:30 PM
Winter (November – March)6:00 PM – 10:00 PM

Off-peak hours are the time when electricity is less consumed in houses and commercial works. At this time power grid is relaxed and doesn’t have any pressure which is why electrical appliances run smoothly at this time. It has the advantage that you should use your heavy electrical appliances like AC, washing machine, iron, etc. The cost of electricity is also cheap at this time as compared to peak hours.

  • Use your electrical appliances like an air conditioner(AC), heater, refrigerator, washing machine, iron, etc., during off-peak hours instead of peak hours.
  • If there is no need, switch off all the unnecessary lights and fans.
  • Manage your room’s heating and cooling in off-peak hours.
  • Insulate your roof and save money with solar energy.

If you have major issues and want to meet physically with a support member then you should visit GEPCO head office. Its address is 565-A, Model Town, G.T Road, Gujranwala. GEPCO’s support team is always available for you.

Here are some steps to get a new meter connection from GEPCO. These steps are the following:

  • If you don’t have an electricity meter connection you should go to this site to apply for a new connection from GEPCO.
  • If the above method is not working you should physically apply for a GEPCO’s new meter connection in the nearest GEPCO office. There is experienced staff to solve your problems.
  • If you want to know more information about New Meter Connection, follow this link and do all the procedures, get your new meter, and have fun.

After getting a new meter connection you must follow some rules and regulations and authorities included by GEPCO e.g. timely bill payment etc.

Consumers who consume energy from GEPCO can register a complaint about GEPCO via the online Customer Complaint Management System called CCMS. This platform provides you with a 24/7 support system. You can also register your complaint by the methods given below:

  • Register your complaint by sending an SMS at 8118 or by calling 118.
  • By emailing [email protected].
  • You can register a complaint about GEPCO through the online CCMS portal.
If you don’t know whether your bill has been deposited or not, you can check through your Easypaisa/JazzCash. If you don’t know how to use them, then you can go to the nearest concerned office and get your bill information.